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Courthouse Accessibility Information

The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri has designated Lori Miller Young, Chief Deputy - Operations,  as the Court’s Access Coordinator. It is the Court's policy to remove accessibility-related barriers to court services by providing reasonable accommodations. The Court does not provide devices that are personal or individually prescribed, such as wheelchairs, prescription eye glasses, and hearing aids, or services of a personal nature, such as the pushing of wheelchairs. 


  • All public restrooms are wheel chair accessible.
  • There are no public telephones available.
  • Smoke detectors and fire alarm systems are equipped with strobe lights.
  • Public elevators provide access to all courthouse floors
  • Elevator cabs are equipped with braille signage and emergency call features to accommodate those with seeing and hearing impairment.

Individuals participating in federal court proceedings who require the assistance of a qualified sign language interpreter or other similar auxiliary aides and services must submit requests for services in advance of the court proceeding involved.

Please direct all requests for services or for additional information to:

Lori Miller Young, Access Coordinator
Thomas F. Eagleton U.S. Courthouse
Office of the Clerk of Court
111 South Tenth Street, Room 3.300
St. Louis, MO. 63102
314-244-7910 or
314-244-7904 or

Note:  A copy of the Court’s Accessibility Handbook for the Thomas F. Eagleton Courthouse, Rush Hudson Limbaugh Courthouse and Hannibal Federal Building(Courthouse) can be found below.
