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Pro Bono Service Opportunities

The U.S. District Court for the District of Eastern Missouri offers initiatives to assist indigent and self-represented persons in civil cases. Attorneys can volunteer in roles such as Limited Scope Intake (Legal Clinic Advice) and Limited Scope Mediation. These opportunities provide attorneys with a unique opportunity to fulfill their professional obligation to serve unrepresented civil litigants on a volunteer basis.

To volunteer, an attorney must be in good standing of the bar of the Eastern District of Missouri and must agree to serve without compensation from the client. If interested, email the completed Pro Bono Volunteer Applications to:

Note that upon application, limited compensation for attorney fees and reasonable expenses is available upon application:

Limited Scope Intake (Legal Clinic Advice)

The Court partners with the St. Louis Bar Foundation and the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis (BAMSL) to recruit volunteer attorneys to assist self-represented litigants with initial reviews and filing processes. The Legal Advice Clinic is held virtually on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Training sessions are available for attorneys interested in joining the Clinic. For more information on this program see

Limited Scope Mediation

Lawyers who join as Limited Scope Counsel for Mediation may be assigned to represent a self-represented or indigent party in a mediation setting in a particular case.